Oct 7, 2007

woke up early today. ok, maybe its the usual timing.say about 5am. didn't sleep back after that though. had to spring clean the house. in the freaking morning. yup, crazy, i know.who cleans in the morning?!

so what i did was to wipe the window grills for both my rooms. took down the curtains and replace it with the new ones. the worst part was that i had to unscrew the curtain poll because the curtains had to be slipped in and not hooked on. make my life so much difficult. why can't they just have curtain polls that uses velcro. that ought to be a bliss man. all you have to do is just to stick it to the polls. climb,stick and voila!a whole lot of time saved.

after that, i had to vacuumed the living room carpet, take it out from under the heavy dining table and fold it for keeping purposes. its damn hard mind you. the table is purely made from wood and its damn heavy. its an eight seater one. i want to see you try achieving all that on your own!huh!!and oh ya!!i have to polish all the wooden furnitures in my house!!and that's 8 seats, one huge table, one medium table and one small table!its a yearly thing for me.

then, i was free so out of the goodness of my heart, i swept my bedroom. see, i can be kind when i want to. it just depends on the situation. so at about 3, me, my mom n my two sisters head down over to giant for groceries shopping. more like for me. went to get the ingredients needed to bake pizza. i made my own crust mind you. i find it nicer than buying a pre-made crust. then we went to ikea to get cushions.so, i have the house all prepared except for mopping. now, all i'm left with is to mentally prepare myself for next week's visit to my grandfather's house. goodie.


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