Aug 30, 2009

"why would you want to be with me? i don't carry a baggage but a cargo hold in my life"

“This is going to take a LONG time. Come on farz, don’t give up. You can do it,” I said to no one in particular.

In the name of baking, I was willing to mentally prepare myself for long hours of being in front of the scanner doing what I deem as a necessity but others as a sign that my sanity has taken a turn for the worse.

Ok, so you guys know about my bad habit I stated in one of my previous post? Well, I got something to add to that. Not only do I find recipes online, I borrow books on baking from the library as well. That’s not the worst. This is:

I borrow not only one book at a time, but many at one shot.

So that was the position my sister found me in for the next hour. My sister went in and out of the room countless times and throughout those times, I was still busy flipping pages and scanning the pages I have marked with those cute little small rectangular-ish sticky notes that just had to come in various vibrant colors that made me bought more than what I needed. Well, let me tell you, it was a job that went way beyond testing your perseverance and patience. Despite having my tush glued to the chair and letting the machinery do all the work, it does get tiresome after some time, hence the testing of patience and perseverance.

Anyway, while I was busy scanning away, something got me thinking. in which when they do happen, it’s very rare till I can count them in one hand as my ability to multi-task is pretty much non-existent but not for lack of trying mind you.

So ANYWAY, I thought, wouldn’t it be so much simpler if I just take pictures of those recipes? I mean not only do I get to save time, but I can return those books early and borrow more books (baking books of course).

After asking my sister for the digital camera, I began snapping away.

Voila! I was done in record time. It took me no longer than 10 minutes to get the recipes I wanted. Comparing to the 60 minutes I spent scanning, I’d say this is a good way of acquiring the recipes I wanted out of any books.

Thank god for a fully functional brain.

Oh yea, did I mentioned my sister baked Reese brownie? Or was it pan cookie? I’m not really sure but either way, boy oh boy were they some serious stuff!! It is chocolate and PB goodness all wrapped in one. I couldn’t resist but to make myself a cup of coffee and sneaked one (oh fine! It was two pieces) brownie after breaking my fast. I also reheated my carrot cupcake to go along with my stash of unhealthy goodness and damn! It was dang good.

This is the pan cookie variation. Or so I’ve been told.
Now, the one that is in front of the Hershey’s cocoa powder, it’s the brownie version.
P.S. if you ask me, despite the taste being the same, I prefer the pan cookie version. It has a nice crunch to it.


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