Sep 16, 2009

Foolproof IT idiot

I've tried but I just couldn't do it.

I can't get the bloody tagboard up and running on Wordpress!!

I've read the step-by-step instructions a million couple of times and I still DON'T get it. So much for being an IT student. A friend of mine passed me that link about how to have a tagboard on Wordpress and I'm sorry to say this, but

I can't won't understand anything that involves IT terms. Did I mention that I'm a foolproof IT idiot. Give me an IT dummy book and I would secretly trade them in for a baking one.

That's how tight my relationship with IT is.

Anyway, blogspot seems to be in my favour now. I'm able to upload pictures and whatnots so maybe I shall just stick to blogspot for now. If the problem persist, well, let's cross that bridge when the time comes.


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