Sep 16, 2009

Take That!

As I’m typing this post, my cookies are being cooled; cookies that I have been slaving off for the past 3 hours... Ok, so maybe I may have exaggerated a bit but the whole completion of the cookies was about there; give or take.

Been baking since morning and I am so dead beat. Just so you know, baking when I want to is different from baking when I have to. Now I’m baking because I have to. My dad has been bugging me from time to time non-stop about the status of the Hari Raya cookies. We basically had a one-sided conversation regarding this topic. He was firing off one question after another till the point where I got too lazy to answer. A girl I can only take in so many questions at one time.

“When you going to start making?”

“You start making already or not?”

“You starting tomorrow?! You sure have enough time to finish everything?”

“What are you making?”

“Got any traditional cookies or not?”

“Is your cookies nice?"

“How you know it’s nice?”

And the questions went on and on. If I had the time to list down all the questions I would but right now, all I want to do is shove the whole jar of cookies I’ve made and rub it in my dad’s face. Hah! Take that Mr. One Thousand and One questions!

However, with me being me, I’m not that kind of person. I’m just going to point out to him the jars of cookies the next time he asked me such questions. People do say that I’m too kind for my own good. ;-)

p.s. I am still quite depressed with the need to move my blog. I'm not use to wordpress and looks like it's going to take some getting use to. Time to start adjusting I guess.


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