Oct 19, 2008

-Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me either, so just leave me the hell alone.-

shopping with my bro. shopping with my sis. shopping by myself.ahh...shopping. it does have a nice ring to it doesn't it?i've been shopping non-stop. i know it's crazy but it's very addictive!once you start you can't stop. shopping with your siblings is so refreshing cause it's not everyday you do it. i miss those times where me and my second would shop, shop and just shop. add my bro to the mix and you can find us shopping for food as well.

anyway, school started over a week ago and my time table is horrible!i end late everyday!argh!i hate it. but there are days where i start late but still!!it doesn't matter to me cause i still have to leave the house early since my school is far. but i'm used to it already. thank god for that.

honestly, i got nothing to update. except that over the weekends i went to kina's and raini's open house. i was the only one there. i mean as in the only friend that i know. wait, that doesn't sound right. i meant that i didn't know anyone else there. the rest of their friends have not came over yet cause apparently i came at a timing where nobody was there. it's not my fault you know. i had two open houses alright.